Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I first tried this charming West Village Italian spot in 2005 while visiting Bindu and Suraj with my parents and Ankur. The evening always stands out in my mind because it was the last family dinner before the birth of my eldest nephew, Kiran. I remember it as a night filled with laughter, excitement, and anticipation for the arrival of our newest family member. Mario Batali was still chef/owner at that time and while I know I enjoyed the food, it was almost secondary to the vibe of the evening. I returned several months later with a group of my college girlfriends while we were in town to celebrate New Year's Eve and we had an equally boisterous time. I came back on this occasion with Bindu, my oldest friend in the world Laura Conn, and her sister (who has just moved to NYC!!) Katie. Chef Lee McGrath has taken over the reigns at Po, but it can still be counted on for affordable, interesting Italian. The pastas are all homemade and the sauces and accompaniments are never boring. There are always enough dishes promising bacon and spice to keep me happy. While the food is not as sublime as at my favorite Italian eateries - Lupa and Babbo, it definitely hits the spot without breaking the bank. The true standout for me was probably dessert - the panna cotta with amarena cherries. The consistency was perfect and the cherries were sweet yet tangy. The end of this night was made even sweeter by a celebrity sighting that I dare say changed Bindu's life. As I was walking out of the restaurant, I saw Keri Russell (aka Felicity) out of the corner of my eye. Knowing that Bindu had a Felicity obsession for several years, I calmly walked back inside, pulled her aside and said "I think Keri Russell is standing outside, please be cool." Bindu was able to not make a scene but I think she's still pretty disappointed we didn't ask her for a picture. It was a great night for sisters and for old friends.
Sorry I don't have any pictures of Keri Russell, but here's a shot of me and my mom at that "last supper" before baby Kiran changed all of our lives forever! We actually sat at the same table (note the comfy leather booth) on this visit too.

Po revisited - 12/21/09
My dad was in town over the weekend for his annual visit to watch Duke play at MSG. This year, we got to see an awful Duke team kill an even worse Gonzaga and then fortunately for me, and unfortunately for my dad, a blizzard prolonged his stay by two days. He found plenty to do while I was on call, and then treated me to dinner at Po before he headed back home. We decided Alleia has better food but the desserts at Po win out in the end. We shared the porcini crusted cod with sweet pepper sauce and the butternut squash ravioli with brown butter (very similar to Alleia's but a little more doughy).

The panna cotta with amarena really is just about the perfect dessert! And a not very good picture of dad enjoying the cod.

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